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Code Of Conduct

There is a set of rule and a code of conduct that we believe one should adhere to in life

Prince Public School is committed to provide an environment conducive towards deliverance of qualitative teaching and learning in a multidimensional clime. This will be possible through:

Promoting and maintaining all the safety standards for teachers and students.

Ensuring of creating an environment of 'owning up' to one's own action and misbehavior.

Elimination of all disruptive and offensive actions.

Prohibit all forms of unfair practices discrimination and actions

All learners attending the school are expected to follow the school’s code of conduct and behave in a way which graces the school wherever they are.

  1. The basic rule is that no-one may disrupt school life.
  2. The ethos and traditions of the school should be upheld at all times.
  3. Discipline is important. Self-discipline is preferred, but if anyone is incapable thereof, the school will take appropriate disciplinary actions to enforce discipline.
  4. Respect and empathy for others need is required.
  5. It is the collective responsibility of all to ensure that all school facilities are adequately and properly cared for.
  6. No form of intimidation, foul or offensive language to be used.
  7. Students will not behave in a manner that shall disrupt the learning activity of other learners, or will cause physical or emotional harm to other learners.
  8. Students will not deface or damage school property. Any damage to school property should be reported to the incharge immediately.
  9. Students will not litter in and around the school premises.
  10. Bullying, aggression or violence in any form is gross misconduct for which the school will take strict disciplinary action if required.
  11. Students are expected to be environment friendly.
  12. Strict action will be taken against students who are found using illicit or narcotic substances and behaving inappropriately in and around the premises.
  13. Students who violate the school rules will not be permitted to represent the school in any inter- school sports or other activities irrespective of individual interests or talent.
  14. Students are expected to abide by the School rules with regard to appearance and behavior when representing the School both during School hours and after School hours, at School and away from School. Learners may not say or do anything that will discredit themselves or the School.
  1. Parents/guardians, learners and teachers are jointly responsible for ensuring that all learners attend school.
  2. The class teacher must keep an accurate register of learner attendance.
  3. Students to submit leave application signed by their parents/guardian to their class teachers.
  4. Leave due to medical reasons must be supported by a letter from a registered medical practitioner.
  5. The class teacher must keep copies of all communication to parents when absence from the classroom is reported.
  6. All learners are to arrive at School before the official starting time. Reporting time for learner is 7:50 a.m. Learners who are late for School will be marked absent.
  7. Absence from a class, without the permission of the relevant teacher is prohibited.
  8. No learner may leave the School during School hours without a letter from a parent/guardian requesting the release of their child and the permission of the class teachers and the respective incharges.
  9. Students must report to class in time after break or activity period.
  10. Students must have a minimum attendance of 75% during the academic session to take the school exam.
  1. Students are expected to wear the official school uniform and appear neat and tidy (according to the dress criteria) at all times.
  2. No additions or alterations to the uniform that are not in accordance with the regulations will be allowed.
  3. No earnings, jewellery, accessories, coloured contact lenses or visible tattoos are allowed.
  4. Students are not permitted to wear Smart Watches.
  5. All students should have clipped nails.
  6. Boys are expected to turn up with proper and timely hair cut.
  7. No line in hair (cut lines).
  8. No colours in hair.
  9. Hair must be neat at all times.
  10. No form of hair spiking.
  11. Face should be shaven at all times.
  12. Girls with long hair should have it tied. Only black hair clips/hair bands must be worn.
  13. Girls are not permitted to wear nail paint or mehendi.

The school will not be held responsible for theft of or damage to personal belongings in school premises (e.g. cell phones, bags, books and clothing)

  1. Learners should avoid bringing cell phones, large sums of money and valuables to School.
  2. Mobiles if brought to school will be confiscated for a period determined by the school.
  3. Students are not permitted to carry mobile phones on the school premises. In case a student has to carry a phone for extraneous reasons, arrangements will be made to deposit the phone at the school office during school hours.
  4. Students will not indulge in inappropriate use of the school computers or networks.
  5. Students are not permitted to bring valuable electronic devices (iPods, cameras, tablets etc) without the prior permission of the class teacher.
  6. Strict action will be taken if it comes to the notice of the school authorities that any student is involved in possession and circulation of inappropriate digital content on mobile devices.
  1. No students may talk or communicate in any way with any other students once inside the examination/test venue.
  2. Students are not to have in his/her possession or in his/her immediate vicinity, any material (such as notes or textbooks) which could assist them in any way during the writing of the examination/test.
  3. No smart watches will be allowed in the exam room.
  4. No learner is permitted to borrow any item from or lend any item to another student once the examination has commenced.
  1. All learners are expected to co-operate in maintaining the attractive appearance of the school. Above all, this would include an active participation in the prevention of littering.
  2. Students are not to leave their classroom without the permission of the relevant teacher.
  3. Students must obtain a pass from the relevant teacher before leaving the class during class hours.
  4. Willful damaging, vandalizing or neglect of school property and the property of others, either by writing on or by a physical act, is prohibited.
  5. Theft of school and private property is also prohibited.
  6. Security cameras may not be tampered with or re-aligned.
  7. Disruptive, unruly, rude and/or offensive behavior will not be tolerated.
  8. Timely handing of work is the responsibility of each student.
  9. Learners who fail to produce a medical certificate on absenteeism during formal examinations/tests/assessment tasks will obtain a mark of “0” (nought) for the particular examination/test/assessment task.
  10. Language that is seen as pejorative, discriminatory or abusive is prohibited.
  11. Any act that belittles, demeans or humiliates another learner’s culture, race or religion is prohibited.
  12. All learners have the right to an education free of interference, intimidation and/or physical abuse.
  13. The carrying, copying and/or reading of offensive material are prohibited.

The school is a place of safety where laws pertaining to public spaces are applicable.

  1. No dangerous objects or illegal drugs as will be brought onto and/or used in the school property. Dangerous objects include knives, firearms or any item that could harm a person.
  2. The carrying and/or smoking of cigarettes are prohibited.
  3. Alcohol is not permitted in school premises at any times.
  4. The carrying of and/or consumption of illegal chemical substances and drugs is strictly prohibited.

Learners wishing to park motor cycles/motor vehicles on the school grounds must first obtain permission from the school to do so and make use of the areas specially demarcated for this purpose.

  1. Strict discipline must be maintained in the school bus. Any form of misbehavior in the bus can lead to withdrawal of bus facilities.
  2. Students must remain seated in the bus till the arrival of their stop.
  3. Any change in residential address or contact numbers must be immediately intimated to the school office.
  4. Changes in bus routes or problems relating to bus services should be informed to the school office.
  5. Students should not change the boarding or dropping off stop without prior information being given to the school office.
  6. School will not be responsible for any independent transport arrangements used by students. The safety and verification of such vehicles and drivers is the responsibility of the parents/guardians of the child.
  7. Students to park their cycles near the school premises at their own risk.
  8. Specific areas are provided for the parking of cycles must be used by students.
  9. Learners may not hitchhike while in school uniform, whether formal or sports dress.

Involvement in activities making up the school extra-curricular programme forms a valuable and integral part of the holistic education of every learner. All learners are, therefore, expected to become actively involved in at least one (1) sport, cultural and/or service activity per term.

  1. The learner is expected to adopt the correct etiquette pertaining to the specific activity at all times.
  2. Once a learner has committed himself/herself to an activity, he/she will be bound to meet the rules and obligations related to that activity.
  3. Involvement in a particular activity will span the entire season/duration in which that activity takes place.
  4. Attendance of all practices is compulsory.
  5. Learners travelling to an away fixture will travel in full school uniform, unless other arrangements have been made.
  6. Sports and other kit must be carried in an appropriate bag.
  7. Learners playing in school fixtures must arrive at the venue in their appropriate sports kit/uniform.
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