There are several issues that can be taken care of only when you as parent and we as extended family join hands in building the character fibre in a young mind. The synergy of our working together on the child results in manifold advantages.
There are several values that flow out of our collaboration. Apart from supplementing each others effort we can ensure emotional stability which today is more important than intelligent quotient of the child.
We need to channelize the potential of the child to the optimum so that he becomes a successful professional, a good citizen and above all an asset to the human society.
Every child is potentially the light of the world. We need to ignite that fire within the child so that he can fly with the wings of fire and seek newer heights.
As a parent do not compare your child with others as no two persons can be same. Even in this fast moving life spare time for your kids. We ourselves have to be role model for our kids or else they will search for love and affection outside the family. No one can be perfect parent as parenting is a life long process but at least we can try to be the best one for our kids. After all we as a school and you as a parent are the sculptors of an impressionable human.