Integrating the ethos, moral fibre and cultural legacy has been an ardent effort in planning and transacting our curriculum with intellectual stimulation and social adaptability for our stakeholders. In fact when I say stakeholder I mean our teachers, our staff & our parents besides the impressionable learner. We look at ourselves as a community of learners, where everyone learns including our parents, teachers & staff. Hence the motto of the school holds dear to all of us – ‘Learn for Life’.
Our classroom environment can be beautifully capsuled in the words of John Mattie – “Teachers should build classroom climate where errors are welcome, students engagement is the norm, questioning is high and students gain reputation as an effective learner”.
Besides the academia the school has been proactively promoting and encouraging excellence amongst our students in the sports arena where we can boast of numerous achievements. Talking of the finer skills there has been a spurt of accolades in the arena of music and art & craft too. Our efforts in the field of education continues with its unfeigned and authentic zeal from this commune with a hope that we shall bring a difference.
As is rightly said by Paulo Friere
“Education does not change the world. It changes people and people change the world”
Lakshmi Venkatesh