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Fees & Remittance

Fees is to be deposited at the fee collection counter at School premises upto 10th of each month/first month of the quarter (Between 8am – 1pm).

Payment can be made in cash/cheque/online Through ERP/Debit/Credit Card

Discontinuation of school transport in the mid session will not be permitted. The students will have to pay transport charges up to the end of the session if they opt for school transport facility.

The fees should be deposited by the stipulated date as per fee payment schedule.

If the fee continues to be unpaid till 30th of the due month, the name of the student will be struck off the rolls.

Any fee defaulter will be regularized only after the payment of the amount due, along with the re-admission charges.

Timing for Fee Collection :-

Monday to Saturday : 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

CLASS PRE SCHOOL TO V (2025-26) VI TO VIII (2025-26) IX TO X (2025-26) XI TO XII (2025-26)
Registration fee (At the time of Admission) 25 25 25 25
Admission Fee (At the time of Admission) 200 200 200 200
Tuition Fee (per month) 3495 3775 4455 4965
Annual Charges (per month) 1300 1270 1555 1645
Monthly Fee 4795 5045 6010 6610
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